Saturday 22 June 2024

Wash Day


Good afternoon everyone I hope you are all well and have had  a good week. My post this evening is to showcase the June new release stamps from All Dressed Up Stamps. As always they are all fabulous designs.  I'm always amazed how Wendy can always keep coming up with more and more beautiful designs each month.  They are now all available in the Etsy Store here

For my Design Team inspiration I used a lovely stamp called Wash Day

Card Recipe

7x7 Blank Card 
Stamp is Wash Day from all Dressed Up Stamps painted with Derwent Inktense Pencils
Papers are form a pad I bought recently from The Works
Square stitched dies 
Rectangle stitched dies 
Wonky Stitched rectangle dies are MFT
Ribbon and Buttons are from my box
Small wooden Teddies are from Harrogate Craft show sometime ago
Sentiment I made on the computer

I hope you can find time to look at our  new release stamps this month.

Saturday 15 June 2024

Little Flower Fairy

Good  evening to all my lovely friends and  followers today is the launch of our June Monthly Challenge over at All Dressed Up Stamps. Our theme as always is Anything Goes as long as you use an All Dressed Up Stamp in your design. If you have just discovered these stamps and don't have any there are some fab Freebies HERE to get you started.

For my June Design Team project  I used one of my favourite All Dressed up Stamps called Little Flower Fairy

Card Recipe

8x8 Blank card cut to shape from a Go Create Frilly dies set
Stamp is Little flower Fairy painted with Derwent inktense Pencils
Blue card my box
Flower paper is Maja Design
Pink Flowers made with Mulberry paper I received as a gift from a friend beautiful for making flowers
Die is Go Create Frilly die
Heart Spray die and Flower die are Creative Expression Sue Wilson Nasturtium die
and heart spray die.
Paper hearts from the die waste
Navy pearl flowers my box
Birthday die is a Cut and Make

I hope you can find time to enter our challenge this month.


Sunday 2 June 2024

Wine Time

 Good morning everyone today sees the launch of our June challenge at Sheepski Designs  the theme this month is Anything Goes.

For my design team inspiration I used a lovely stamp called Wine Time.

.Card recipe 

Stamp is Wine Time from Sheepski Designs painted with Derwent Inktense Pencils
Dies are Stitched Rectangles 
and Frame Dies are Sue Wilson Creative Expressions Noble Stained glass rectangle
Button is from my box
Sentiments are Lili of the Valley

I hope you can join in our May Challenge just remember the theme is Anything goes.

Thank you for visiting my Blog 